Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Helpful answers
These frequently asked questions can help you. If you have any further questions, just contact us!
How does spiritual healing work?
Spiritual, energetic healing or "laying on of hands" is an ancient yet modern healing method. It is particularly suitable for people who think holistically, are spiritual and interested in their development.
Spiritual healing is first and foremost an energy treatment. Everyone knows acupuncture and many have heard of so-called chakras, subtle energy centers. In our nervous system, especially in the brain, countless nerve cells (neurons) constantly fire small electrical impulses. At the latest when there are strong emotions, no one will disagree: Humans are “energy beings”. This is exactly where spiritual healing and the special case of distant healing come in.
What is spiritual healing and why does it work as distance healing?
Here there are different ways and it also depends on oneself. Theoretically, healing energy is constantly present everywhere, in us and around us. But we are humans, not energy stations for electric cars. And spiritual healing is an assistive, energetic activity, so a spiritual source is best. Reiki sees this a little differently, but many (including me) open themselves to the Christ energy or healing angels, for example. A healer then acts as a medium and mediator for these energies. The patient absorbs this healing energy during the healing treatment, as far as it makes sense for his energy system at the moment. Of course, he does not control this consciously, but it happens without his involvement and knowledge.
A complex healing process. what happens next
The actual processing is then usually noticeable in the next few days and weeks. Sometimes unspecific physical symptoms appear, e.g. tiredness or painful old scars, but more important are emotional changes such as more sensitivity, emotional instability, increased dreaming. While not necessarily pleasant, such appearances are a good sign, much like a healing crisis. It signals that the deeper emotional causes of the complaints are triggered via the chakra energies and can therefore be healed.
Real healing is always a process that takes up the inner causes and that takes time. At this point, unfortunately, spiritual healing or, to be more precise, the healer mostly remains one-sided. The spiritual healer performs his energy transfer, but as a rule does not catch the psychological healing crisis symptoms that occur in the further healing process just as little as most conventional medicine doctors and naturopaths. If possible, a good healer should not only be a therapist, but also a psychological therapist.
You see, spiritual healing is not a miracle healing and that is a good thing, because actually and ultimately, illnesses are never just about getting healthy. Rather, it is about what not only, but especially through energy healing makes possible, namely a grown inner healing and personality development. It is not for nothing that a healing treatment usually consists of several sessions that last for some time.
What speaks for spiritual healing?
Mental or spiritual healing has the following benefits:
It enables true, deep healing because it tackles the energetic and inner causes.
In the course of this process, there is automatic personality development.
Personality development often includes spiritual development, i.e. one's own relationship to God, religion and the spiritual aspects of life in general experiences a noticeable boost.
The clients do not make themselves dependent on certain substances and medications, their side effects and interactions or possible addiction.
Ideally, spiritual healing is holistic because it heals the energetic and psychological-emotional dimension, but ultimately also the physical level.
The energetic and inner healing process leaves all possibilities open for other complementary therapies, whether from conventional medicine, alternative medicine or psychotherapy; such a supplement is often advisable.
How does distance healing work?
With distance healing, the patient stays at home. He lies down at the appointed time and relaxes. As usual, the healer transfers healing energies to the client's chakras, e.g. with the help of a picture of him. Only the two are in different places.
Some doubt that this can work, it seems somehow magical and obscure. On the one hand, that's true, in fact it fits the usual definition of white magic. And you should also be careful and not let everyone tinker with their energies. Only go to a healer you trust. It would be nice, for example, if you get a sign from a dream to let someone heal you.
On the other hand, shamanism has always worked with similar methods and actually it is no more magical than someone who thinks longingly of his partner, who then feels it. Or someone spontaneously senses that something has happened to their partner, child or parent. This is also a long-distance transmission of energy and triggers something as well. Energy is not so tied to space and time, which quantum physics has known for a long time and is nothing special there. Seen in this way, distant healing is “actually” nothing unusual.
Many only find their way to a healer after all other help has failed. Why not before? What speaks against an energetic, holistic, real healing process that also advances your inner and spiritual development?
How does distance healing work on animals?
Just as long-distance treatment can be used for us humans, it also brings very good results with our pets. It has the advantage that no long transports are necessary and so much stress can be avoided.
If you would like a treatment for your darling, it is best to send me a photo with your animal's name, date of birth and the problemMail.
I usually treat animals at night when they are quiet. In my experience, this treatment gives the best results.
How does contact with the afterlife work?
As a medium, I establish contact with your loving deceased. I invite the spirit world to communicate with us. Then I describe what the deceased looks like to me. For a moment, I sort of bring the dead back to life so they can tell whatever stories they want. There are many reasons to communicate with the spirit world. On a personal level, a wonderful work of healing takes place between the two worlds. As a medium, I act as a communicator between this world and the spiritual world. I connect people to their dead. An important aspect is the healing that comes from this communication. This can be "I love you", which is the most important thing to say - sometimes you miss the opportunity to say it while you're alive.
There is always a reason and a message. Although your loved ones are usually happy to communicate with you, I cannot guarantee that the deceased will appear during the meeting. It is the deceased's free will to communicate during the session. Sometimes the information is not what you might want to hear, because here the free will of the deceased dictates the issue they want to resolve. But the spiritual world knows why you sought out a medium, the seed has been sown, the thoughts have been sown. Your dead know what you want to hear. Come with openness, curiosity and joy to an encounter that enables our dear departed to communicate with us from the spiritual world.
Do you have further questions? We're happy to help.
©2022 Alena Angela